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Rocker Arm Update

Not only are customers asking for higher quality, they’re also becoming accustomed to having to wait a little while longer to get it. And, on the aluminum rocker side of things, the trend for customers has been a desire for lighter rocker designs.

The last time we shined a spotlight on rocker arms, it was pre-pandemic. It goes without saying, but a lot has changed in the last three to four years, and the same can be said for rocker arms. While some may not put a lot of emphasis on rocker arm importance within an engine build, they’re foolish not to, as rocker arms are much more than just a lever. Rocker arms contribute greatly to durability, longevity, consistency, and power potential of an engine and its valvetrain componentry. 

As such, we thought it was overdue to see what’s new in the world of rockers, so we spoke with a few manufacturers to get insight into what they’ve been focused on lately, and what engine builders and race customers have been asking for from them. Right away, the immediate difference, even from just a few years ago, is an uptick in engine performance and horsepower goals across the board.

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